Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Scene At A Stoplight

Sometimes people say the wrong things at the wrong time. Of course it is oh so hilarious!

A woman and a man are talking to each other. At one point another woman comes up and joins the conversation.

Woman #2: I wish I was in a wheelchair. (I am guessing she was tired from walking)

Two seconds later, a man in a wheelchair wheels himself through and crosses the street.

Woman #1 and Man start laughing hysterically.
Woman #2: That didn't just happen did it? I can't believe that just happened!
Man: Dude, that was like from a movie!
Woman #2: I can't beleieve that just happened! (repeated over and over again)
Woman #1 and Man cannot stop laughing.

I had to bite my lip so hard to not laugh.

And now the latest video from wgaamerica:


TV Fan said...

That poor girl. 20 years later that comment is still going to haunt her. She is going to remember it off and on from now on and smack her hand to her head when she does and say "stupid, stupid, stupid". And people are going to stare at her like she is insane. And one day she will become insane.

Bianca Reagan said...

Is that what happened to you, stephanie? Ha! Ya burnt.

I love Richard Belzer. I am certainly getting my fill of him on the Law & Order: SVU marathon today.

Hee! David Cross on Carson Daly. Who even watches that show?

Anonymous said...

Good Job! :)