Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Regarding this previous Sunday:

You know God, I get it you have a sense of humor, but you could have used a different "sign" to tell me not to go to church. Instead you decided to send a big truck to take me down.

Yes, I realize I have been playing the field and trying out all the churches around me. But hey, I have got to feel comfortable in a church and if that means looking for the church with the cutest guys than I shall not be judged! I am still going and paying attention (most of the time). I should get some credit. And now you have put me in a position to walk to church, thank goodness there is one about a mile away.

Anyway, I am totally fine, I thank you greatly for that.

On a totally random note, here is a video...Can't go wrong with the Walker lever:


Anonymous said...

Chrissy! What a funny prayer to God. I hope that the nearest Church to you DOES have the cutest guys in it. Oh, and i'm totally behind you screen writers and the strike. My personal take is that the networks are going to shove reality even more down or throats and we are going to throw up on it and TV will go back to being scripted next season... I sure hope so! Yikes, FNL is good, eh?? I hope the Landry thing is BEHIND us now though. Take Care Miss CS!

Anonymous said...

oh sorry, that was me Mark C. who wrote that first comment. Rock and roll and come and visit!

musicmama said...

Geez that's what a 'maybe' totaled car looks like, nice. Boo! Push those big Chevy trucks back next time hahaha.

Dear LA drivers,

Wtf? Don't hit my sister!


Maybe God doesn't like that church you were going to?

TV Fan said...

I think God wants you to go to that Church you thought was "weird". You're obviously quite stubborn and He had to have your car taken out.

Bianca Reagan said...

A mile away? Who walks that far in LA? You should watch some Creflo Dollar instead.