Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Returning Series

I am getting really excited for my tv shows that are coming back this fall! There are many commercials advertising the new season! Here are a few of my favorite returning series:


Brothers & Sisters:

Prison Break:

What returning series are you anticipating?


TV Fan said...

Prison Break's promo is the best. I SO CAN'T WAIT!! Heroes promo was weird? But Mohinder looked hot. And we see that ABC doesn't spend money on fancy stuff, they just recycle clips from last season. Economical!

musicmama said...

boo, where's Grey's?!

Chrissy said...

Haven't seen one for "Grey's" yet...Just many for PRivate Practice".

Bianca Reagan said...

Why am I watching Hannah Montana? How did I get sucked into a storyline that involves the main character falling for a guy named Jake Ryan?

Chrissy said...

Hahahaha! Cuz it is awesome. The Jake Ryan episodes are the best. :)